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Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Tips and Tricks on How to Check the Quality of Nokia Mobile Phone

Tips and Tricks How to Check the Quality of Nokia Mobile phone: First Check Imei pal Nokia by pressing * # 06 # After entering the code buddy buddy will see the Imei code contain 15 digits: for example, 354844015521322

Note that I carefully digit red berries :
  • If the seventh and eighth digits are: 02 or 20 produced in Arabic means a very poor quality.
  • If the seventh and eighth digits are: 08 or 80 it means the quality produced in Germany did not disappoint.
  • If the seventh and eighth digit number is: 13 which means produced in Azarbaijan quality is very bad and dangerous to health
  • If the seventh and eighth digits are: 01 or 10 it means manufactured in Finland for Good Quality.
  • If the seventh and eighth digit number is: 00 which means Originally produced at the factory whose quality is best.

Regardless of the value ..... means of dubious quality. But the truth of this trick is still a discussion among my colleagues. believe it or not .....? yes it's up mate ..... because I personally think there should be standardization of products, thus making the quality remains the same everywhere.

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